Message from Our President

Dear ABC Community,

During this painful time in our nation when the pandemic continues to rage disproportionately in BIPOC populations and passions swell with heightened awareness of racial injustices, we at ABC fall directly in the crossroads of this national struggle. ABC of Andover scholars and families (all frontline workers) suffer from increased hardships due to COVID, along with distress and harmful feelings of marginalization from national events and discourse. 

Our ABC leadership is proud to be working in the space of Education, a key pillar for promoting equity, as we partner with young women poised to become future leaders. We are humbled by their courage, intelligence, dedication, and empathy. 

For 53 years, ABC of Andover has had deep impact in transforming lives for students who would not otherwise have access to the educational and leadership opportunities they embrace in Andover. Our current group shows exceptional promise in the classroom, on the stage, in athletics and in offering an important voice in our community. 

At a time when we feel helpless to address ugly national divisions, these young women carry on with great resilience, exuding hope for a brighter, more equitable future. ABC’s successful reopening this month has emboldened all with renewed commitment and enthusiasm. 

Now more than ever, we need your support as we work to stand on the right side of history. Every donation makes a difference in helping these young students access a pathway to college. 

Together, we help stop the impact of systemic racism, one Scholar at a time. 

With gratitude,
Gabrielle Hager Nossiff President, A Better Chance of Andover


Photography to Dystopian Literature


Meet Aisosa: Writer, Musician, Activist, Scholar