Our Scholars and Alumni are Leaders
A Better Chance Inc. is a national non-profit whose mission is to increase substantially the number of well-educated young people of color who are capable of assuming positions of responsibility and leadership in American society.
55 Years Educating Youth
ABC of Andover is the oldest continuously running ABC Community School Program in the country. Founded in 1967, we celebrated our 55th anniversary in 2022. Throughout that time, ABC graduates have joined their fellow alumni in positions of responsibility and leadership in American society.
151 Andover High School Graduates
Most of our scholars begin their ABC of Andover start Andover High School in grade 9 and complete 4 academically rigorous years at AHS. The partnership between A Better Chance of Andover and the high school is strong where our students create opportunities to lead and learn and at the same time bringing to their peers a unique perspective on issues of race, inequality and diversity. Generally two ABC seniors are among the graduating class each spring; sometimes there have been more so that through 2023, 151 ABC of Andover scholars have graduated AHS.
97% College Graduates
All of our scholars have gone on to start a college education following graduation from high school and 97% of ABC of Andover graduates have completed a college degree. The success of this program cannot be measured solely by college acceptances or completions, but rather by the complex trajectory of each ABC Scholar’s post-high school journey and professional and personal paths. These paths often have led alumni to leadership roles in fields with the mission to lift up, to heal, to educate or to fight for equity for the most vulnerable in our society.