Raising Racial Justice Awareness

The  instagram account BlackatAndoverHigh profile describes the account as a safe platform for Andover High School (AHS) students and alumni to share experiences of racism and discrimination anonymously. In addition the account re-shares educational posts about how to be antiracist including posts such as a guide to microaggressions and how to correct someone who has said something racist.

In less than two weeks, the account has amassed over 1,000 followers. Whose energy and talent has created this account? One of our own Scholars, Gabby, who is a rising sophomore. 

Gabby took inspiration from other recently created BlackAt_ accounts such as BlackAtAndover and accounts that some of her middle school friends had created at their prep schools. As she said, “One day I was like, I’m going to make it, why not?” and started the account.

Unfortunately along with creating a safe space, comes negativity. Gabby is learning to manage the hate targeted at the account. Initially she deleted the hate comments on the account, now she lets them stay there so others can see firsthand the racism that exists in Andover.

The stories of racism and microaggressions shared through the BlackAt_ social media movement are a painful reminder of how far we have to go in realizing a more just and equitable society. Gabby hopes that when students return to school she and others can meet with administration to talk through how to handle racism at Andover High and what response is needed when someone witnesses or is told about a racist action or expression. In addition, Gabby hopes that learning the history of race in this country will become required at AHS. 

“In all her endeavors, Gabby conducts herself with unusual grace and maturity,” says Gabrielle Hager Nossif, ABC of Andover president. “Her facilitation of uncomfortable conversations in this space reflects that grace. She navigates important dialogue with balance and respect for all. Only 15 years old and Gabby has emerged as a leader, making our ABC program very proud.”

Gabby has received terrific support from current Scholars and alumni to spread the word and support her work. Her action and vision in creating BlackAtAndoverHigh is emblematic of her talent as a change-maker. She will be leading us in important conversations here in Andover and beyond.


A’mari Advocates at AUP


$50,000 Raised