Dia Chooses Williams

Even as college classes went online this spring, admissions and financial aid offices were sending out acceptances to high school seniors. ABC graduating senior Mafoudia is excited to share that she has chosen Williams College, where she plans to study environmental science and policy.  Dia was offered an outstanding financial package along with her acceptance, a clear sign of how much she will bring to the college.

She also found out after accepting Williams that this was her mom’s top choice but her mom had used reverse-psychology and didn’t reveal her preference until after Dia had made her choice!

Dia has set her sights on developing policy in low-incomes communities, with a focus on environmental justice. That could be back in New York City, where conditions such as asthma are high due to pollution inequality. Or perhaps, she muses, she might work internationally. Right now that seems a ways off as she thinks about finishing up her senior spring through online classes. 

Dia leaves a profound impact on AHS through her work with the Diversity Club, which includes her visits to Andover middle schools, to open conversations about the negative impact of micro-aggressions and racial slurs. She feels rewarded that some of those same students, in turn, joined the Diversity Club when they entered high school. Ultimately, she found many students who were open to her ideas about ways to change school for the better and as Dia puts it, “I was able to educate people and change their perspective.”

Her senior spring is far from typical as she stays at home like millions of Americans. Even going downstairs to get a package in her apartment building she needs to put on gloves and a mask. And the grocery stores nearby have long lines outside because only 10 to 15 people are allowed in at a time. 

While Dia’s only tour of Williams before she starts classes will be virtual, she says that the college seems to be very inclusive. She’s excited that not only is there a higher percentage of students of color than many other schools, but there are also many student body groups representing a range of diverse interests. She’s a bit nervous that it is such a rural school. As she is from the city, she had always envisioned herself attending an urban school but says she will return to city-living after college. 

Dia shares her advice to the incoming ABC Scholars wisely saying, “Don’t procrastinate, be proactive, try new things and don’t give up.” That positive, can-do attitude will be a great addition to the Williams College campus and wherever Dia charts her future path. Congratulations, Dia!


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